Should you buy new or used camera gear?

Should you buy new or used camera gear?

Why you should buy USED camera gear! Before you whip out the credit card and click the “purchase” button on your next B&H order, hear me out. Breaking news!! Purchasing new camera gear is very expensive. Half of the gear in the photo above was...
How To Find & Photograph the Daffodil Flats

How To Find & Photograph the Daffodil Flats

How To Find and Photograph the Daffodil Flats in Linville Gorge The Daffodil Flats are well-known by Linville Gorge enthusiasts. Every March, many people make the trek down into the valley to see these spring beauties. They typically bloom during the first two weeks...
5 Tips For Aspiring Photographers

5 Tips For Aspiring Photographers

Our tips for aspiring photographers, young or old. The world of photography is a very competitive field if you ever hope to make a living out of it. Dopamine hits delivered via social-media notifications are giving rise to an army of new photographers and...
5 Things To Do in Asheville in the Winter

5 Things To Do in Asheville in the Winter

Planning a winter trip or vacation to Asheville this winter? Good! So much of the attraction to Asheville is largely centered around the natural beauty of the mountains surrounding Asheville – the fall color, the spring blooms. But there is so much to see, do,...