Spring Waterfall Mini-Workshops

Join us in Upstate South Carolina on a full-day adventure, visiting up to three waterfalls at some hidden locations in one day, possibly 4. The vibrant spring greens compliment the waterfalls, making for stunning shots!

The mini-workshops consist of one full day of shooting. You can book multiple days if you’d like. Each day we will operate from sunrise to sunset, depending on the weather conditions. If we have cloudy days, the workshop will begin a little past sunrise.

Rate: $295/day

Spring Waterfall Mini-Workshop dates:

  •  Saturday, April 26th
  • Sunday, April 27th
  • Monday, April 28th

What to expect:


Suited for beginners and advance shooters alike!

Each day will have some moderate to strenuous hiking involved. Expect to hike upwards of 4 miles in one day. Some of the locations will require us to stand in the creek in the cold water on slippery rocks. This is not recommended for beginner hikers but should be doable for most photographers. South Carolina has some real gems and we can’t wait to show you them! This is one of the few offerings that we have where we can pretty much guarantee a great photo or two from the day!

We’ll shoot in the morning and spend mid-day enjoying some lunch together. For the evening, we’ll move on to a new location. We should be able to hit no less than three waterfalls each day.

Waterfall Workshop
Spring Waterfall SC
Spring Waterfall South Carolina
Linville Blooms Workshop

Also check out our Linville Gorge Blooms Mini-Workshop!

May 8th